Payment Information - Due 10/25
$100 Per Athlete - Venmo, Zelle, or Cash
$105 Per Athlete - Paypal or Credit Card - I will send you an invoice. Please let me if you wish to submit payment this way
Venmo - @Mary-StJohn-2
Her last 4 of her cell is 4965 if the app asks
When you pay, be sure to list who you are paying for please in the notes section. Please do not select buyer protection when paying via Venmo so we avoid the fees.
Please note, you must be paid up on monthly dues to be eligible to play in tournaments. I can send invoices to those that are missing monthly dues payments if that helps.
Schedule: Subject to Change
2024 Founders Cup Schedule - click here
Find the tab with your age group on the bottom of the schedule.
As a general rule, be at the pool 1 hour before your gametime unless otherwise instructed.
I will POST THE ROSTERS and break down everyone's schedule tomorrow
I will post updates over the weekend on our GroupMe - Here is that info -
Parent and Athlete Volunteers:
We will need help to run the clock and scorebook. Parents, this is where we will need your help. If you are available to work the desk, please send me the GAME ID of the games you can work and if you prefer clock or scorebook. Masters and Surfs, please sign up for at least 5 shifts to work the desk.
The 12U teams are very fluid. We have 2 teams in the 12U Boys Division (Team Vegas and Topaz Split Squad) and 1 teams in the 12U Girls Division(with help from some Commerce Athletes. Teams are organized to maximize everyone's playing time. Please be flexible if we move you to another roster to expand your athletes experience. We are also getting a handful of players from Commerce and Topaz who have some extra kids to help fill in some of the spots if games conflict.
I will be entering rosters Wednesday. Be sure you are a current registered member with USA Water Polo, bronze level athlete or higher.
That is all for now. Be one the lookout for the email on how to signup for working the tournament. Also, be sure to join our group chat.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank You,